Frequently Asked Questions

Offering a vehicle wellness plan for your employees comes with questions, so we've got you covered!

The Basics

What is RepairsCard?

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How does RepairsCard work?

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Coverage and Services

How is a vehicle wellness plan different than an extended warranty?

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What types of services are covered by RepairsCard wellness plans?

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Cost and Savings

How much does RepairsCard cost?

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How much can employees save annually with RepairsCard?

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Why is saving on auto repairs with RepairsCard significant?

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Claims and Reimbursements

How are claims processed with RepairsCard?

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How quickly can repairs be addressed with RepairsCard?

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Employer Benefits

Why should employers consider RepairsCard for their employees?

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What are the advantages of RepairsCard for HR departments?

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Get started with RepairsCard

Your team is unhappy about the cost of their commute, help them out with a vehicle wellness plan. Drive happier, more productive employees.

Book a demo

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